Buick Regal: Symptoms - Steering Wheel and Column
NOTE: Review the system operation in order to familiarize yourself with
the system
Refer to Steering Wheel and Column Description and Operation.
Symptoms List
Refer to a symptom diagnostic procedure from the following list in order to
diagnose the symptom:
- High Effort While Tilting Column
- High Telescoping Effort
- Looseness in Steering Column
- Noise in Steering Column
Diagnostic Instructions
- Perform the Diagnostic System Check prior to using this diagnostic
procedure:Diagnostic System
Check - Vehicle
- Review the description of Strategy Based Diagnosis:Strategy Based
- An overview of each diagnostic category can be found here:Diagnostic
Procedure Instructions
Diagnostic Fault Information
1. Heated Steering Wheel = Inoperative
2. Heated Steering Wheel = Always On
3. LED (Light Emitting Diode) = Inoperative
4. LED (Light Emitting Diode) = Always On
Circuit/System Description
For an overview of the component/system, refer to:Steering Wheel and Column
Description and
Reference Information
Schematic Reference
Steering Wheel Wiring Schematics
Connector End View Reference
Electrical Information Reference
- Circuit Testing
- Connector Repairs
- Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections
- Wiring Repairs
Circuit/System Verification
1. Ignition - On / Vehicle - In Service Mode.
2. Heated Steering Wheel - Off.
3. Verify the following conditions do not exist:
- Heated Steering Wheel Indicator = On
- Heated Steering Wheel = Activated
- If a condition exists - Heated Steering Wheel = Activated
Refer to:Heated Steering Wheel Malfunction
- If a condition exists - Heated Steering Wheel Indicator = On
Refer to: Circuit/System Testing
- Go to next step: If none of the conditions exists
4. Press and release the switch: Heated Steering Wheel Switch.
5. Verify the following conditions do not exist:
- Heated Steering Wheel Indicator = Off
- Heated Steering Wheel = Not Activated
- If a condition exists - Heated Steering Wheel = Not Activated
Refer to:Heated Steering Wheel Malfunction
- If a condition exists - Heated Steering Wheel Indicator = Off
Refer to: Circuit/System Testing
- Go to next step: If none of the conditions exists
6. All OK.
Circuit/System Testing
1. Ignition/Vehicle - Off.
2. Disconnect the electrical connector: X229@K32 Steering Wheel Heating Control
3. Test for less than 10 ohms between the test points: Ground circuit terminal 5
& Ground.
- Ignition/Vehicle - Off
- Test for less than 2 ohms between the test points: Ground circuit & The
other end of the circuit
- If 2 ohms or greater - Repair the open/high resistance in the
- If less than 2 ohms - Repair the open/high resistance in the ground
- Go to next step: If less than 10 ohms
4. Ignition - On / Vehicle - In Service Mode.
5. Verify a test lamp turns On between the test points: Ignition circuit
terminal 3 & Ground.
- If the test lamp does not turn On and the circuit fuse is OK
- Ignition/Vehicle - Off & Remove - Test lamp
- Test for less than 2 ohms between the test points: Ignition circuit &
The other end of the circuit
- If 2 ohms or greater - Repair the open/high resistance in the
- If less than 2 ohms - Verify the fuse is OK and there is voltage at
the fuse. Refer to:Power Mode Mismatch.
- If the test lamp does not turn On and the circuit fuse is open
- Ignition/Vehicle - Off
- Test for infinite resistance between the test points: Ignition circuit &
- If less than infinite resistance - Repair the short to ground on the
- If less than infinite resistance - Replace the component: K32
Steering Wheel Heating
Control Module
- Go to next step: If the test lamp turns On
6. Ignition/Vehicle - Off.
7. Connect the electrical connector: X229@K32 Steering Wheel Heating Control
8. Disconnect the electrical connector: S70L Steering Wheel Controls Switch -
9. Ignition - On / Vehicle - In Service Mode.
10. Test for battery voltage between the test points: Control terminal 4 &
- If less than battery voltage
- Ignition/Vehicle - Off
- Disconnect the electrical connector: S70R Steering Wheel Controls Switch
- Right
- Test for infinite resistance between the test points:Control Circuit &
- If less than infinite resistance - Repair the short to ground on the
- Go to next step: If infinite resistance
- Test for less than 2 ohms between the test points: Control Circuit & The
other end of the
- If 2 ohms or greater - Repair the open/high resistance in the
- If less than 2 ohms - Replace the component: K32 Steering Wheel
Heating Control
- Go to next step: If battery voltage
11. Ignition/Vehicle - Off.
12. Connect the electrical connector: S70L Steering Wheel Controls Switch -
13. Disconnect the electrical connector: X229@K32 Steering Wheel Heating Control
NOTE: Verify interior lighting dimming is turned all the way up.
14. Connect a 3 A fused jumper wire between the test points: Control circuit
terminal 2 & Ground..
15. Ignition - On / Vehicle - In Service Mode
16. Verify the component turns On and Off when connecting and disconnecting the
jumper wire:Heated.
Steering Wheel Indicator.
- If the component does not turn On and Off
Replace the component: S70L Steering Wheel Controls Switch - Left
- If the component turns On and Off
Replace the component: K32 Steering Wheel Heating Control Module
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification after completing the repair:
Diagnostic Repair Verification.
- Cruise Control Switch Replacement
- For control module replacement, programming, and setup refer to: Control
Module References
Diagnostic Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic System Check prior to using this diagnostic
procedure:Diagnostic System
Check - Vehicle
Review the description of Strategy Based Diagnosis:Strategy
Special Tools
EL-38125-10 Splice Sleeve Crimping Tool (non GMNA)
J-38125-5A Ultra Torch Special Tool
J-38125-8 Splice Sleeve Crimping Tool (GMNA)
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special T
Diagnostic Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic System Check prior to using this diagnostic
procedure: Refer to Diagnostic System
Check - Vehicle
Review the description of Strategy Based Diagnosis: Refer to Strategy
Based Diagnosis
An overview of each diagnostic category can be found here: R
Driving with more than one
compact spare tire at a time could
result in loss of braking and
handling. This could lead to a
crash and you or others could be
injured. Use only one compact
spare tire at a time.
If this vehicle has a compact spare
tire, it was fully inflated when new;