Buick Regal Owners & Service Manuals

Buick Regal: HVAC & Restraints


 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

 Specifications, Visual Identification

SPECIFICATIONS FASTENER SPECIFICATIONS Single Use Non-Threaded Fasteners/Components NOTE: All fasteners/components listed in this table MUST BE DISCARDED and replaced with NEW after removal. Applicat

 Diagnostic Information and Procedures

LEAK TESTING Special Tools GE-41447 A/C Tracer Dye-Box of 24 GE-42220 Universal 12V Leak Detection Lamp GE-43872 Fluorescent Dye Cleaner GE-50078 Electronic Leak Detector GE-50744 R-1234yf PAG O


 Low and Reverse Clutch Piston Installation

Direct Clutch Fluid Seal Ring [2x] Direct Clutch Hub Thrust Bearing Race 2nd Clutch Housing Rear Bearing Low and Reverse Clutch Application Ring Low and Reverse Clutch Application Ring Low and Reverse Clutch Piston 1-Reverse Clutch Spring 1-Reverse Clutch Spring Retaining Ring Procedure

 Description and Operation

ABS DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION B22 - B22 Brake Pedal Position Sensor S48E - S48E Multifunction Switch - Center Console P16 - P16 Instrument Cluster K9 - K9 Body Control Module K20 - K20 Engine Control Module K71 - K71 Transmission Control Module K17 - K17 Electronic Brake Control Module Q5 - Q5 Brak

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