To adjust the steering wheel:
1. Pull the lever down.
2. Move the steering wheel up
or down.
3. Pull or push the steering wheel
closer or away from you.
4. Pull the lever up to lock the
steering w
With the ignition on or in ACC/
ACCESSORY, move the windshield
wiper lever to select the wiper
HI : Use for fast wipes.
LO : Use for slow wipes.
INT : Use for intermittent wipes. To
Diagnostic Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic System Check prior to using this diagnostic
procedure: Diagnostic
System Check - Vehicle
Review the description of Strategy Based Diagnosis: Strategy Based
An overview of each diagnostic category can be found here: Diagnostic
Diagnostic Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic System Check prior to using this diagnostic
procedure:Diagnostic System
Check - Vehicle
Review the description of Strategy Based Diagnosis:Strategy Based
An overview of each diagnostic category can be found here:Diagnostic